listas de vocablos alemán - inglés y inglés - alemán

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numbers - family - body - colors - calendar

a boastful interview (talking too proudly about yourself )ein angeberisches Interview
a cautious driver (careful to avoid danger or risks)ein vorsichtiger Fahrer
a competitive atmosphere (determined or trying very hard to be more successful than other people)eine leistungsorientierte Atmosphäre
a considerate daughter (always thinking of what other people need or want and being careful not to upset them)eine rücksichtsvolle Tochter
a courageous decision (brave)eine mutige Entscheidung
a cowardly attack (not at all brave )ein feiger Angriff
a dedicated teacher (working very hard because you care a lot about it)ein engagierter Lehrer
a demanding boss (expecting a lot of attention or expecting to have things exactly the way you want them)ein anspruchsvoller Chef
a determined effort (having a strong desire to do something, so that you will not let anyone stop you)eine entschlossene Anstrengung
a dominant mother ((disapproving) controlling or trying to control other people)eine dominante Mutter
a down-to-earth guy (practical and direct in a sensible honest way)ein praktischer Kerl
a forgetful professor (often forgetting things)ein vergesslicher Professor
a fussy housewife (very concerned about small, usually unimportant details, and difficult to please)eine pingelige Hausfrau
a generous offer (willing to give money, spend time etc, in order to help people or give them pleasure)ein großzügiges Angebot
a gentle touch (kind and careful, so that you do not hurt or damage anyone or anything)eine sanfte Berührung
a hard-working student (working with a lot of effort)ein fleißiger Student
a likeable character (nice and easy to like)eine sympathische Figur
a malicious rumour (very unkind and cruel, and deliberately behaving in a way that is likely to upset or hurt someone)ein boshaftes Gerücht
a materialistic attitude ((disapproving) concerned only with money and possessions )eine materialistische Einstellung
a mean old man (not wanting to spend money, or not wanting to use much of something)ein geiziger alter Mann
a modest appearance (not wanting to talk about oneÂ’s abilities or achievements)ein bescheidenes Auftreten
a naive belief (not having much experience of how complicated life is, so that you trust people too much)ein naiver Glaube
a narrow-minded politician (unwilling to accept or understand new or different ideas, opinions, or customs)ein engstirniger Politiker
a passionate speech (believing something very strongly)eine leidenschaftliche Rede
a reliable friend (someone or something that can be trusted or depended on)ein zuverlässiger Freund
a reserved person (unwilling to express your emotions or talk about your problems)ein zurückhaltender Mensch
a rude remark (speaking or behaving in a way that is not polite and is likely to offend or annoy people)eine unverschämte Bemerkung
a ruthless dictator (so determined to get what you want that you do not care if you have to hurt other people)ein rücksichtsloser Diktator
a self-confident reply (sure that you can do things well, that people like you etc)eine selbstbewusste Antwort
a self-conscious teenager (worried and embarrassed about what you look like or what other people think of you)ein gehemmter Teenager
a sensitive child (getting upset too easily)ein empfindliches Kind
a shy smile (nervous and embarrassed about meeting and speaking to other people)ein schüchternes Lächeln
a smart kid ((AE) intelligent)ein cleveres Kind
a snobbish remark (you think you are better than other people because you are from a higher social class)eine snobistische Bemerkung
a spiteful liar (deliberately nasty to someone in order to hurt or upset them)ein gehässiger Lügner
a stubborn refusal (determined not to change your mind, even when people think you are being unreasonable)eine sture Weigerung
a tender kiss (gentle and careful in a way that shows love)ein zärtlicher Kuss
a timid reaction (not having courage or confidence)eine ängstliche Reaktion
a tolerant community (allowing people to do, say, or believe what they want without criticizing or punishing them )eine tolerante Gemeinschaft
a trustworthy salesman (someone who can be trusted and depended on; synonym: dependable)ein vertrauenswürdiger Verkäufer
a vain facial expression ((disapproving) too proud of oneÂ’s good looks, abilities or position)ein eitler Gesichtsausdruck
a vicious comment (very unkind in a way that is intended to hurt someone's feelings or make their character seem bad)ein bösartiger Kommentar
a well-mannered boy (talking and behaving in a polite way)ein wohlerzogener Junge
a zealous preacher ((disapproving) extremely enthusiastic e.g. a political or religious idea which you believe in very strongly)ein fanatischer Prediger
an affectionate hug (showing in a gentle way that you love someone and care about them)eine liebevolle Umarmung
an ambitious plan (determined to be successful, rich, powerful etc)ein ehrgeiziger Plan
an arrogant attitude (behaving in an unpleasant or rude way because you think you are more important than other people)eine überhebliche Einstellung
an easy-going lifestyle (not easily upset, annoyed, or worried)ein entspannter Lebensstil
an enthusiastic crowd (feeling or showing a lot of interest and excitement about something)eine begeisterte Menschenmenge
an extroverted woman (having a confident character and enjoying the company of other people)eine extrovertierte Frau
an imaginative child (very good at thinking of new and unusual ways of doing things; synonym: inventive)ein phantasievolles Kind
an indecisive leader (unable to make clear decisions or choices)ein unentschlossener Führer
an introverted young man (quiet and shy, not enjoying being with other people)ein introvertierter junger Mann
an outgoing partner (liking to meet and talk to new people)ein kontaktfreudiger Partner
open-minded parents (willing to consider and accept other people's ideas and opinions)aufgeschlossene Eltern
petty jealousy (unkind and caring too much about small unimportant things)kleinliche Eifersucht
prejudiced views ((disapproving) having an unreasonable dislike of people who belong to a different race, sex, or religion)voreingenommene Ansichten
reckless behaviour (not caring or worrying about the possible bad or dangerous results of your actions)rücksichtsloses Verhalten
selfish behaviour ((disapproving) caring only about yourself and not about other people )egoistisches Verhalten

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