neue Vokabellisten
Zahlen -
Familie -
Körper -
Farben -
Lektion 9
Spanisch | Englisch |
aseos | toilets |
aseos | restroom |
comestibles | groceries |
comestibles | foods |
felicitaciones | congratulations |
gafas | eyeglasses |
lentes | eyeglasses |
muebles | furniture |
negocios | businesses |
pantalones | trousers |
pantalones | pants |
pendientes | earrings |
supuesto | of course |
tapas | snacks |
tapas | appetizers |
The Workshop los alicates (El taller de trabajo) | pliers |
tijeras | scissors |
vacaciones | vacations |
+ infinitive | upon |
+ infinitive | on |
a | to |
a | at |
abajo | downstairs |
abajo | down |
abajo | below |
abanico | fan |
abeja | bee |
abierto | open |
abrazar | embrace |
abrazo | hug |
abrazo | embrace |
abrelatas | can opener |
abrigo | overcoat |
abril | April |
abrir | open |
abuela | grandma |
abuelo | grandpa |
abuelo | grandpa |
abuelos | grandparents |
abuelos | grandparents |
acabar | finish |
acción | action |
acelerador | gaspedal |
aceptar | accept |
acerca | about |
acercarse | approach |
acompañar | to accompany |
acompañar | go with |
acompañar | accompany |
aconsejar | advise |
acordarse | remember |
acostarse | go to bed |
actual | present |
actual | current |
acuerdo | agreement |
acá | here |
adelante | forward |
adelante | ahead |
además | moreover |
además | besides |
adentro | inside |
Adiós | Bye |
adiós | goodbye |
Adiós. | Good bye. |
aduana | customs house |
adónde | where |
aeropuerto | airport |
afeitarse | shave |
afuera | outside |
agencia de viajes | travel agency |
agente | agent |
agosto | August |
agradable | pleasant |
agradecer | thank |
agua | water |
agua | water |
aguacate | avocado |
aguantar | stand |
aguja | needle |
agujeta | shoelace |
ahora | now |
aire | airport |
alacrán | scorpion |
albaricoque | apricot |
alcalde | mayor |
alce | moose |
alcoba | bedroom |
alemán | German |
alga | seaweed |
algodón | cotton |
allà | there |
almohada | pillow |
almuerzo | lunch |
amarillo | yellow |
amarillo | yellow |
amigo | friend |
amigo | friend |
anaranjado | orange |
anaranjado | orange |
anguila | eel |
ante de | in front of |
aparador | china cabinet |
apartamentos | apartment building |
aperitivo | appetizer |
apio | celery |
araña | spider |
arbusto | bush |
ardilla | squirrel |
ardillita | chipmunk |
arena | sand |
armadillo | armadillo |
armario | closet |
arriba | up |
arriba | above |
arrojar | throw |
arte | art |
artista | artist |
artÃculo | article |
asado | roasted |
ascensor | elevator |
asegurar | insure |
asiento | seat |
aspiradora | vacuum |
asunto | matter |
asunto | affair |
asà | thus |
asà | this way |
asà | so |
atrasado | slow |
atravesar | cross |
atreverse | dare |
atrás | behind |
atrás | backward |
atrás | back |
aunque | although |
autobús | bus |
automóvil | car |
automóvil | automobile |
autoridad | authority |
avenida | avenue |
averiguar | to ascertain |
averiguar | find out |
avisar | warn |
avisar | to inform |
aviso | warning |
aviso | notice |
avión | airplane |
ayer | yesterday |
ayudar | help |
ayuntamiento | town hall |
ayuntamiento | city hall |
azul | blue |
azul | blue |
azúcar | sugar |
babero | bib |
bailar | dance |
baile | dance |
bajar | to go down |
bajar | get off |
bajo | short |
bajo | low |
banana | banana |
banca | bench |
banco | bench |
banco | bank |
bandera | flag |
barato | inexpensive |
barato | cheap |
barba | chin |
barba | beard |
barco | ship |
barco | boat |
barrio | neighborhood |
barrio | district |
bastante | sufficient |
bastante | enough |
bastar | to suffice |
bastar | be enough |
basurero | garbage can |
bañarse | bathe |
bañera | bathtub |
baño | bathroom |
baño | bath |
baúl | trunk |
beber | drink |
bebida | drink |
bebida | beverage |
bello | beautiful |
besar | kiss |
beso | kiss |
biberón | bottle |
biblioteca | library |
bien | well |
bienvenido | welcome |
billete | ticket |
billete | bill |
bisonte | bison |
blanco | white |
blanco | white |
blusa | blouse |
boca | mouth |
boda | wedding |
boleto | ticket |
bolsa | purse |
bolsa | bag |
bolso | bag |
bolso de mano | carry-on |
bonito | pretty |
borracho | drunkard |
borracho | drunk |
bosillo | pocket |
bosque | woods |
bosque | forest |
botar | to throw out |
botar | discard |
botella | bottle |
botiquÃn | medicine cabinet |
botón | bud |
brazo | arm |
breve | brief |
brillo | scouring pad |
broma | joke |
broma | jest |
buen | good |
bueno | good |
bueno | all right |
Bueno, gracias. | Well, thanks. |
bulbo | bulb |
bulto | package |
bulto | bundle |
buque | ship |
buque | boat |
burro | donkey |
buscar | look for |
bustillo | camisole |
bádminton | badminton |
básquetbol | basketball |
béisbol | baseball |
búho | owl |
caballero | sir |
caballero | gentleman |
caballo | horse |
caber | to fit in |
caber | to be room for |
cabeza | head |
cabra | goat |
cacerola | casserole dish |
cactus | cactus |
cada | each |
caer | fall |
cafeterÃa | bar with food service |
caimán | alligator |
caja | cash register |
caja | box |
caja de herramientas | toolbox |
cajero | cashier |
cajuela | trunk |
calcetÃn | sock |
caldero | pot |
calentador de agua | water heater |
calentura | fever |
caliente | warm |
caliente | hot |
calle | street |
calor | warmth |
calor | heat |
calzoncillo | under shorts |
cama | bed |
camaleón | chameleon |
camarera | waitress |
camarera | chambermaid |
camarero | waiter |
cambiar | to change |
cambiar | exchange |
cambio | change exchange |
caminar | walk |
camino | road |
camisa | shirt |
camiseta | undershirt |
camiseta | T-shirt |
camión | truck |
camión | bus |
campana | bell |
campo | field |
campo | country |
canción | song |
candil | chandelier |
cansado | tired |
cantar | sing |
capital | capital |
cara | face |
cardenal | cardinal |
cariño | love |
cariño | affection |
cariñoso | affectionate |
carnederes | beef |
carnicerÃa | butcher |
caro | expensive |
carretera | highway |
carrito | stroller |
carro | car |
carta | playing card |
carta | letter |
cartera | wallet |
cartera | purse |
casa | house |
casa | home |
casado | married |
casarse | get married |
casi | almost |
caso | thing |
caso | matter |
caso | case |
castillo | castle |
castillo de arena | sand castle |
casualidad | coincidence |
casualidad | chance |
catarro | cold |
catedral | cathedral |
catorce | fourteen |
cañerÃa | pipe |
ce sol | it's sunny |
ce viento | it's windy |
cebra | zebra |
cena | supper |
cena | dinner |
cenar | eat supper |
centro | center |
centro | business district |
cepillo | brush |
cerca de | near |
cerdo | hog |
cero | zero |
cerrado | closed |
cerrar | close |
cesta | basket |
champú | shampoo |
chaqueta | jacket |
cheque | check |
cheque | bill |
chica | girl |
chico | boy |
chinero | china cabinet |
chiste | joke |
chiste | jest |
chocar | to collide |
chocar | shock |
chocar | crash |
chofer | driver |
chupador | pacifier |
chupete | pacifier |
chófer | driver |
ciclismo | cycling |
ciego | blind |
cielo | sky |
cielo | heaven |
cien | hundred |
cien millones | one hundred million |
ciento sesenta | one hundred sixty |
cientos de miles | hundred thousand |
cierre | zipper |
cierto | true |
cierto | sure |
cierto | certain |
cinco | five |
cinco mil | five thousand |
cincuenta | fifty |
cine | movies |
cine | movie theater |
cinta | tape |
cinta métrica | tape measure |
cinturón | belt |
cisne | swan |
cita | date |
cita | appointment |
ciudad | town |
ciudad | city |
claro | light of course |
claro | clear |
clase | type |
clase | kind |
clase | class |
claxon | horn |
cliente | customer |
cliente | client |
clima | climate |
cobija | blanket |
cobrar | to collect |
cobrar | charge |
cobrar | cash |
coche | coach |
coche | car |
cocina | kitchen |
cocinar | cook |
cocinero | cook |
cocodrilo | crocodile |
cofre | hood |
coger | to take |
coger | catch |
cola | tail |
cola | line |
colador | colander |
colgador | hanger |
colibrà | hummingbird |
coliflor | cauliflower |
collar | necklace |
colmillo | tusk |
comedia | play |
comedia | comedy |
comedor | dining room |
comenzar | begin |
comer | eat supper |
comida | meal |
comida | food |
como | like |
como | as |
compaña | company |
compañero | friend |
compañero | companion |
comprar | buy |
comprender | understand |
compromiso | engagement |
con | with |
conducir | to drive |
conducir | conduct |
conejo | rabbit |
conferencia | lecture |
conferencia | conference |
confiterÃa | sweet shop |
confuso | confused |
congelador | freezer |
conmigo | with me |
conocer | to meet |
conocer | to know |
conseguir | to get |
conseguir | obtain |
consulado | consulate |
contar | to count |
contar | tell |
contento | glad |
contento | content |
contestar | to answer |
contestar | reply |
continuar | to continue |
continuar | go on |
contra | against |
contrario | contrary |
copa | glass |
copa | drink |
corazón | heart |
corbata | tie |
correcto | correct |
corregir | correct |
correo | post office |
correo | mail |
correr | run |
corrida | bullfight |
cortar | cut |
cortinero | curtain rod |
corto | short |
cortés | polite |
cosa | thing |
coser | sew |
costa | coast |
costar | cost |
costumbre | custome |
creer | to believe |
creer | think |
crema bronceadora | sunscreen |
criado | servant |
crimen | crime |
cruce | intersection |
crudo | raw |
cruz | cross |
cruzar | cross |
crÃquet | cricket |
cuaderno | notebook |
cuadra | block |
cuadro | picture |
cuando | when |
cuarenta | forty |
cuarto | room |
cuarto | quarter |
cuarto | fourth |
cuatro | four |
cuatro mil | four thousand |
cuatrocientos | four hundred |
cubrir | cover |
cucaracha | cockroach |
cuchara | tablespoon |
cucharita | teaspoon |
cuchillo | knife |
cuello | neck |
cuello | collar |
cuenta | check |
cuenta | bill |
cuento | tale |
cuento | story |
cuerno | antler |
cuero | leather |
cuerpo | body |
cuervo | crow |
cuidado | care |
cuidarse | take care |
cumpleaños | birthday |
cumplir | to complete |
cumplir | fulfill |
cuna | crib |
cuna mecedora | cradle |
cura | priest |
curso | course |
curso | class |
cuñada | sister-in-law |
cuñado | brother-in-law |
cámera | camera |
cárcel | jail |
cómoda | dresser |
cómodo | comfortable |
dama | lady |
dar | give |
daño | harm |
daño | damage |
de | of from |
de | of |
debajo | underneath |
debajo | below |
deber | should |
deber | owe |
deber | ought to |
decidir | decide |
decir | to say |
decir | tell |
dedo | finger |
dejar | to let |
dejar | permit |
dejar | leave |
dejar | allow |
delgado | thing |
delgado | slim |
demasiado | too much |
demasiado | too |
demás | rest |
dentro | within |
dentro | inside |
depender | depend |
dependiente | salesclerk |
deporte | sport |
derecho | straight |
derecho | right |
desagüe | drain |
desarrollar | develop |
desayunar | eat breakfast |
desayuno | breakfast |
descansar | rest |
descubrir | discover |
descuento | discount |
desde | since |
desear | wish |
desear | to desire |
desedirse | say goodbye |
desgracia | misfortune |
desmayarse | faint |
despacio | slowly |
despertador | alarm clock |
despertar | wake up |
despertar | to awaken |
después | after |
destapador | bottle opener |
destino | destiny |
destino | destination |
destornillador | screwdriver |
detector de metales | metal detector |
detrás | in back of |
detrás | behind |
devolver | to return |
devolver | give back |
dibujo | sketch |
dibujo | drawing |
diciembre | December |
diecinueve | nineteen |
dieciocho | eighteen |
diecisiete | seventeen |
dieciséis | sixteen |
diente | th |
diez | ten |
diez mil | ten thousand |
diez millones | ten million |
difÃcil | hard |
difÃcil | difficult |
dinero | money |
Dios | God |
dirección | direction |
dirección | address |
director | conductor |
distancia | distance |
divertirse | to have a good time |
divertirse | to enjoy oneself |
doblar | to turn |
doblar | fold |
doce | twelve |
docena | dozen |
doler | to hurt |
doler | ache |
dolor | pain |
dolor | ache |
domingo | Sunday |
donde | where |
dormir | sleep |
dos | two |
dos mil | two thousand |
doscientos | two hundred |
ducha | shower |
dudar | doubt |
dueño | owner |
dulce | sweet |
duna | dune |
durante | during |
durar | last |
durazno | peach |
duro | hard |
duro | difficult |
débil | weak |
dÃa | day |
dólar | dollar |
e millones | e million |
echar | to throw |
echar | pour |
edad | age |
edificio | building |
edificio de oficinas | office building |
efectivo | cash |
efecto | effect |
eje | axel |
ejemplo | example |
ejército | army |
elefante | elephant |
ella | her |
ellos | the |
embajada | embassy |
embargo | nevertheless |
empezar | begin |
empleado | employee |
empleo | job |
empleo | employment |
empujar | push |
en | on |
en | in |
en | at |
enamorado | in love |
encantado | pleased to meet you |
encantado | delighted |
encantado | charmed |
encender | turn on |
encender | to light |
encima de | on top of |
encima de | above |
encontrar | to find |
encontrar | meet |
enero | January |
enfermo | sick |
enfermo | ill |
enfrente | opposite |
enfrente | front |
enfrente | facing |
engañar | deceive |
enojar | annoy |
enredadera | vine |
ensalada | salad |
enseñar | to teach |
enseñar | show |
entender | understand |
entonces | then |
entonces | at that time |
entrada | entrance |
entrada | admission |
entrar | to enter |
entrar | come in |
entre | between |
entre | among |
entregar | to deliver |
entregar | hand over |
entremés | intermission |
entremés | appetizer |
entrés | interest |
enviar | send |
envolver | wrap |
equipaje | luggage |
equipaje | baggage |
equipo | team |
equitación | horseback riding |
equivocarse | to be wrong |
equivocarse | to be mistaken |
era | was |
es | is |
escalera | stairs |
escalera | staircase |
escarabajo | beetle |
eschuchar | listen |
escoba | broom |
escofina | rasp |
escoger | to choose |
escoger | select |
esconder | hide |
escribir | write |
escritorio | desk |
escuela | school |
escurridor | dish drainer |
ese | those |
ese | that |
esfuerzo | effort |
espacio | space |
espalda | shoulder |
espalda | back |
España | Spain |
español | spanish |
espectáculo | spectacle |
espectáculo | show |
espejo | mirror |
espejo retrovisor | rearview mirror |
esperar | wait |
esperar | to hope |
esponja | sponge |
esposa | wife |
esquina | corner |
estacionar | park |
estación | station |
estación | season |
estado | state |
estado | condition |
Estados Unidos | United States |
estar | be |
estatua | statue |
este | this |
este | thes |
este | east |
estrecho | tight |
estrecho | narrow |
estrella | star |
estropajo | scouring pad |
estudiante | student |
estudiar | study |
estufa | stove |
estupendo | wonderful |
estupendo | stupendous |
estómago | stomach |
Europa | Europe |
examen | exam |
excusado | toilet |
exigir | to demand |
exigir | require |
explicar | explain |
extranjero | stranger |
extranjero | foreigner |
extranjero | foreign |
extrañar | miss |
extraño | strange |
falda | skirt |
falta | mistake |
falta | lack |
famila | family |
familia | family |
famoso | famous |
fe | faith |
febrero | February |
fecha | date |
feliz | happy |
feo | ugly |
ferrocarril | railroad |
fiar | trust |
fiebre | fever |
fiesta | party |
fiesta | holiday |
fin | end |
firmar | sign |
flamenco | Gypsy dancing and music |
flamenco | flamenco |
flor | flower |
floristerÃa | flower shop |
formón | chisel |
foto | photo |
Francia | France |
francés | French |
frascar | fail |
frase | sentence |
frase | phrase |
frazada | blanket |
fregadero | sink |
frenos | brakes |
frente | front |
frente | forehead |
frijoles | beans |
frito | fried |
frontera | border |
frÃo | cold |
fuego | fire |
fuera | outside |
fuera | out |
fuerte | strong |
fumar | smoke |
funcionar | work |
funcionar | to function |
función | show |
función | performance |
función | function |
fábrica | factory |
fácil | easy |
fósforo | match |
fútbol | soccer |
gabinete | cabinet |
gafas del sol | sunglasses |
gana | desire |
ganar | win |
ganar | to earn |
ganga | bargain |
garganta | throat |
gasolina | gas |
gasolinera | gas station |
gastar | spend |
gato | cat |
gaviota | seagull |
gente | people |
gerente | manager |
gobierno | government |
golf | golf |
golpe | knock |
golpe | blow |
gorbata | tie |
gordo | fat |
gorra | ballcap |
gorrión | sparrow |
gorro de baño | shower cap |
gota | drop |
gozar | enjoy |
gracias | thanks |
gran | big |
grande | large |
grande | great |
grande | big |
grandes almacenes | department store |
grillo | cricket |
gritar | shout |
grito | shout |
grupo | group |
guante | glove |
guantes | gloves |
guapo | handsome |
guardia | police officer |
guardia | guard |
guerra | war |
guitarra | guitar |
gusano de seda | caterpillar |
gustar | to please |
gustar | like |
gusto | pleasure |
guÃa | guidebook |
géneros | genres |
habitación | room |
hablar | to speak |
hablar | talk |
hacer | to do |
hacer | make |
hacer | do |
hacia | ard |
halcón | hawk |
hallar | find |
hambre | hunger |
hamburguesa | hamburger |
harina | flour |
hasta | until |
Hasta mañana! | Till tomorrow! |
hay | there is |
hay | there are |
hermana | sister |
hermana | sister |
hermano | brother |
hermano | brother |
hermoso | beautiful |
hielo | ice |
hija | daughter |
hija | daughter |
hijo | son |
hijo | son |
hipopótamo | hippopotamus |
hoja | leaf |
hola | hi |
hola | hello |
hombre | man |
hora | time |
hora | hour |
horario | timetable |
horario | schedule |
hormiga | ant |
horno | oven |
horno microondas | microwave |
hotdog | hotdog |
hoy | ay |
huelga | strike |
huevo | egg |
huevo | egg |
humedad | humidity |
humo | smoke |
huracán | hurricane |
huésped | guest |
ida | leaving |
ida | going |
idioma | language |
iglesia | church |
igual | same |
igual | equal |
igualmente | likewise |
iguana | iguana |
imera velocidad | first gear |
impermeable | raincoat |
importar | to matter |
importar | to import |
impuesto | tax |
incendio | fire |
indicar | to indicate |
indicar | show |
ingeniero | engineer |
Inglaterra | England |
inglés | English |
inmediatamente | immediately |
inundación de agua | flood |
inútil | useless |
ir | go |
izquierda | left |
jabonera | soap dish |
jabón | soap |
jalea | jelly |
jamás | never |
jamás | ever |
jardÃn | garden |
jarra | pitcher |
jarrón | vase |
jefe | head |
jefe | chief |
jefe | boss |
jirafa | giraffe |
jockey | hockey |
joven | young |
joya | jewel |
judÃo | Jew |
juego | game |
jueves | Thursday |
juez | judge |
jugar | play |
jugo | juice |
juguete | to |
julio | July |
junio | June |
juntos | ether |
jurar | swear |
kilo | kilogram |
kilómetro | kilometer |
kéchup | ketchup |
la | the |
la | it |
la | her |
labio | lip |
lado | side |
ladrón | thief |
lagartija | lizard |
lago | lake |
lana | wool |
laquemacoco | sunroof |
largo | long |
las | them |
las | the |
laterÃa | canister |
laudar | greet |
lavabo | sink |
lavabo | lavatory |
lavadora | washing machine |
lavamanos | sink |
lavaplatos | dish washer |
lavar | wash |
lazo | string tie |
le | you |
le | to him |
le | him |
le | her |
lección | lesson |
leche | milk |
lechuga | lettuce |
lechuza | owl |
leer | read |
lejos | far |
lengua | tongue |
lengua | language |
lentamente | slowly |
lentes de sol | sunglasses |
letra | letter |
letrero | sign |
levantar | to live |
levantar | raise |
levantarse | to get up |
levantarse | stand up |
ley | law |
león | lion |
libre | free |
libro | book |
libélula | dragonfly |
licuadora | blender |
ligero | light |
lima | file |
limpiadora | mop |
limpiaparabrisas | wipers |
limpiar | clean |
limpio | clean |
limón | lemon |
lindo | pretty |
lista | menu |
lista | list |
listo | smart |
listo | ready |
listo | bright |
litro | liter |
llama | llama |
llamada | call |
llamar | to call |
llamar | to be called |
llanta | tire |
llanta de repuesto | spare tire |
llave | wrench |
llave | key |
llave inglesa | wrench |
llegada | arrival |
llegar | arrive |
llenar | fill |
lleno | full |
llevar | wear |
llevar | to carry |
llevar | take |
llevar | carry-on |
llorar | cry |
llover | rain |
lluvia | rain |
lo | you |
lo | it |
lo | him |
loco | mad |
loco | insane |
loco | crazy |
loro | parrot |
los | them you |
loza | china |
luces de lanteras | head lights |
luces traseras | tail lights |
lucha | struggle |
lucha | fight |
luego | then |
luego | after |
lugar | place |
lujo | luxury |
luna | moon |
lunes | Monday |
luz | light |
lámpara | lamp |
lápiz | pencil |
lástima | pity |
lÃmite | limit |
lÃmite | boundary |
lÃnea | line |
madera | wood |
madre | mother |
madre | mother |
maduro | ripe |
maestro | teacher |
mal | ill |
mal | badly |
mal | bad |
maleta | suitcase |
mama | mom |
mamá | mom |
mandar | to send |
mandar | command |
manera | way |
manera | manner |
mano | hand |
manta | blanket |
mantener | to maintain |
mantener | support |
mantequilla | butter |
mantequilla de manà | peanut butter |
mantis | mantis |
manà | peanut |
mapa | map |
mar | sea |
marea | tide |
margarita | daisy |
marido | husband |
marido | husband |
mariposa | butterfly |
marrón | brown |
marrón | brown |
martes | Tuesday |
martillo | hammer |
marzo | March |
mayonesa | mayonnaise |
mañana | tomorrow |
mañana | morning |
me | me |
media | stocking |
medianoche | midnight |
medida | size |
medida | measurement |
medio | half |
mediodÃa | noon |
mejor | better |
mejor | best |
mejorar | to improve |
mejorar | feel better |
menor | youngest |
menor | younger |
menor | smallest |
menor | smaller |
menos | less |
menos | least |
mentira | lie |
menudo | often |
menú | menu |
mercado | market |
merecer | deserve |
merienda | afternoon or morning snack |
mermelada | jam |
mes | month |
mesa | table |
mesera | waitress |
mesero | waitress |
mesero | waiter |
mesita | end table |
mesita central | coffee table |
mesita de noche | nightstand |
meter | put |
metro | meter |
mi | my |
miedo | fear |
miel | honey |
miembro | member |
mientras que | while |
mil | thousand |
mila | mile |
milagro | miracle |
mirar | look |
mis | my |
mismo | same |
mismo | oneslelf |
mitad | half |
miércoles | Wednesday |
moda | style |
moda | fashion |
modo | way manner |
mojar | wet |
molestar | to disturb |
molestar | molest |
molestar | bother |
molestia | bother |
moneda | coin |
mono | monkey |
montaña | mountain |
morado | purple |
morado | purple |
moreno | dark-complexioned |
moreno | brunette |
morir | die |
mosca | fly |
mosquito | mosquito |
mostaza | mustard |
mostrar | show |
motor | engine |
mozo | young man |
mozo | porter |
muchacha | girl |
muchacho | boy |
mucho | much |
mudar | to change |
mudar | move |
muebles | furniture |
muerte | death |
muerto | dead |
muestra | sample |
mujer | woman |
mujer | wife |
multa | fine |
mundo | world |
museo | museum |
muy | very |
muñeca | doll |
más | more |
médico | doctor |
método | method |
mÃo | mine |
móvil | mobile |
música | music |
nacer | be morn |
nada | nothing |
nadar | swim |
nadie | nobody |
nadie | no one |
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